Saturday, 22 December 2012

Seasonally Specific Salutations!

To all those out there on the blogosphere who read my blog:- "Seasonally Specific Salutations"

I have been rather quiet on the blog of late as you may have noticed, there's a number of reasons I guess:
  1. I often get back pain which keeps me away from the painting table & sitting in general.
  2. Over 12 months ago I suffered work stress related burnout, and whilst I have continued to stay in the same job, my health has been troubled since, and there are times where I can do nothing but rest.
  3. I lost my painting "mojo", as some put it (temporarily hopefully).
  4. Connected to point two, is that often my head is so full of "stuff", that putting expectations on myself to finish a model or bunch of figures, is more than my old brain can handle.
My sincere hopes are for a new, and more suitable job and better health in the New Year.

I hope you all have a peaceful Christmas.

I have included some pictures of Eureka 28mm Teddy Bears in 18th Century uniforms, which I painted for my daughter in July as a birthday present, plus the last pic which is a WIP which I'm hoping to finish in time for Christmas for her.

God's Blessings and Peace to you all,

Thursday, 22 November 2012

British Communication Build

These are my efforts for The Guild Communication Build :

  1. A Britannia Resin and Metal British Bedford QLR (Radio Truck).
  2. An AB British Despatch rider.
  3. A Battlefield British Commando radio operator.
Only modifications are the addition of an aerial on Commando's wireless set, and some work with plasticard to create a place for the weight disc to go on the QLR.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

More British- Wartime, TQD & Battlefield

As the heading says- More British from Wartime Miniatures, TQD and Battlefield/Blitz.

Wartime Miniatures First. Brilliant miniatures cast in Australia, plenty of great detail, easy to paint and good value for money:

TQD Miniatures- available from CP Models. The detail on these is superb, no chunky lumbering types but realistic proportions. My only beef is that they have slotta bases, but these are easily removed with cutters and a file- I then glue them to a piece of plasticard. I only wish they would make more:

Battlefield/Blitz- have been around for a while, I have been using their useful selection of British Commandos. The helmeted figure on his own was from their Commando set too, but I have painted it up for my regular infantry as I wanted all my Commandos to have Berets:

Here's some groups shots:

Monday, 29 October 2012

A couple of Shermans

Here's a couple of US Shermans I recently painted and assembled. They were on sale at a local model shop that was closing down, & I only bought them because they were so cheap. They are Italeri Fast Assmebly kits- two in a box.
Inspired by fellow blogger Thanos' weathering efforts I have had a go at a spot of weathering on them.
Hope you like them. Many of them are quite large images, so click on 'em to get a close up :)

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...