Showing posts with label Kelly's Heroes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kelly's Heroes. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Zvezda 88, tow, & some Miniatures For Sale

First up, the German 88mm from Zvezda. A very useful kit, recommended:

I was quite pleased with how the weathering turned out - not too heavy, not too light.

It may not be particularly noticeable, but the crew have had some acrylic modelling
paste added to trousers to help disguise the jackboots and give the impression of gaiters.
I thought this was more in keeping with the late war 1944 theme of my collection.

It is mounted on the base that is part of the kit, but options are provided for it to be based
Next up some towing equipment for the 88. These were gifted to me by my friend Nick Grant from New Zealand, and he had received them in turn from another bloke. They were originally based and painted up to be used for a winter campaign, I have repainted them and re-done the bases. I'm not sure what make they are - Airfix? Hasegawa? I'm sure someone will know. There was an 88 that came with them which I have also repainted.

Nice and dusty from scooting along the Normandy lanes.

Finally I have some stuff to sell. I am planning to gradually re-jig (the technical term), my British forces and will over time be selling off some stuff - yes it will be replaced, just with different stuff.
For sale at this stage of proceedings will be 20 figures, fully painted and based, from a variety of manufacturers, for only $90 Australian plus postage & packing at cost, payable by Paypal. This works out at only $4.50 per figure, and does not include the cost of the figures themselves - I charge $4.50 per figure for commission painting.
Here they are then, figures from TQD, Wartime Miniatures, Kelly's Heroes, Britannia, & Plastic Soldier Company:

Monday, 2 December 2013

Assorted WW2 British...

Hello everyone,
I have churned out some more British from a variety of manufacturers in recent days. A number of these figures I will probably sell on, along with some other British from my collection. In the case of some minis, I will be waiting for Eureka to re-release the AB 20mm British before I sell off parts of my current collection. I may replace selected plastic figures, some of the Kelly's Heroes figures, TQD with the late style British helmet (not a fan of the look of the "turtle" helmet on some figures), and who knows what else...

Enjoy the pictures:

TQD British

TQD British

Kelly's Heroes MP, Senior Officer & Dispatch Rider

Kelly's Heroes British

Kelly's Heroes British

Battlefield/Blitz Commando carrying ammo

Battlefield/Blitz Commando carrying ammo

Battlefield/Blitz Commando carrying ammo

Group Shot

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Sojers German squad & Vickers Team on the move

In the last post I showed the first German figure that I painted & based from the Sojers range, now I have the rest of the squad finished. These are a fine range of figures- I wish they did more- I highly recommend them. I purchased mine from the Hobby Den in Ireland, but you could get them direct from Thoroughbred in the US . I found them to be relatively easy to paint, although Germans seem to have more fiddly pieces of equipment in different colours compared with the British, plus the camo gear.
My next German squad on the painting desk is from AB, some of the best figures out there, although this lot are showing some signs of age due to mould slippage (I assume).

Enjoy the "Sojers":

I have also finished a British Vickers Team on the move, another entry for the 30mm base group build on The Guild. These chaps are from the Kelly's Heroes range of 20mm figures produced by Grubby Tanks. These figures are a bit chunkier than AB and most plastics, and not as chunky as Britannia Miniatures - Kelly's Heroes tend to mix in quite well with most figures though (my opinion of course).

Thursday, 20 September 2012

British Halftrack with crew & stowage

This particular model has been awaiting completion for quite some time- glad to have it finished.

It is a Ready to Roll resin halftrack which was given to me by my friend "the Red Rajah". It has had resin stowage from Black Dog added, an AB figures driver, and a Kelly's Heroes crew. I am quite pleased with the final look.
Weathered with drybrushing, MiG European Dust & a bit of chipping.

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...