Saturday, 26 October 2013

WIP - British Officers and some Rangers....

Three Work in Progress shots to share. A combination of four Wartime Miniatures WW2 British Officer types in 20mm, and some Rangers in 28mm (no, not the Point du Hoc variety, but I suppose I could call them "Dog Company" or something gritty like that - ah, perhaps accompanied by a  wolfhound in 28mm could look the part? hmmmnnnn..... ;)

These figures just need their bases doing, Rangers have had sand glued on
 & Brits have just been glued to their washers.

The Brits in front of the other Rangers which are in a much earlier stage of
painting, but I stuck some sand on just 'cause I was doing the others.

First three members of "Dog Company" on their own without their wee friends :)
More to follow in due course.....

Anyone want anything painted for money? I'm out of a job at the moment...
Leave a comment if interested or email me at : jacksarge777 at gmail dot com

Saturday, 19 October 2013

AB WW2 Germans & PSC Yanks

G'day all,
as hinted at in previous posts, I have some WW2 stuff to post up. The figures have been loitering on the painting table for some time in various stages of completion, but are now finished, photographed, and in the draw.
 First up some tasty AB Germans. I find AB stuff great to paint, although there was some slight mould slippage evident on these figures - could some fresh moulds be made please AB? These figures were purchased from Milicast.

I have a few Plastic Soldier Company 1/72 Yanks in the stash,came with my Battlegroup Overlord book I think, - here are three useful communications types that could be used in conjunction with my son's collection of US troops (remember to click for larger images):

Made an impulse purchase of some LOTR GW plastic Rangers the other day and they are currently on my painting table along with some 20mm WW2 British officers and some Warmodelling 15mm British Light Dragoons for the Peninsular War - who knows which will get finished next?

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...