Sunday, 25 September 2016

A slight Tangent - Star Wars Imperial Assault

Finished these recently for Mathew @ Wartime Miniatures. Cool models from Fantasy Flight Games "Imperial Assault" miniatures boardgame. They were fun to paint, I even managed some "object source lighting" from Vaders lightsabre onto his cloak & armour. Parts of Vaders armour & the Stormtroopers, have a coat of satin varnish. Walker was done with regular brushes, managed to get some panel shading, chipping, staining & scratches in there too.

All the best,

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Going Tribal - Maori!

28mm metal Maori from Eureka Miniatures that I painted recently, although I think there may be an Empress figure in there too.

Monday, 19 September 2016

20mm Modern US from Elhiem...

Based for arid climates, 20mm US in Multicam from Elhiem Miniatures. More 20mm figures from Elhiem in the pipeline.

Monday, 12 September 2016

20mm British on Jungle Patrol...

Finished in recent weeks, 20mm modern British in jungle pattern gear, and laden down with packs. Figures from Elhiem Miniatures.

I now have a couple of videos up on my new Youtube channel -
Hopefully more to follow, I have filmed some footage on painting horses which still needs a bit more work before uploading.
In addition I have a Facebook page:

All the best,

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Modern Assortment...20 & 28mm

These first two figures are 28mm modern miniatures. They look to me like a boss (arms folded), & one of his stooges. Sorry, not sure who makes these miniatures.

Below, two 20mm Middle Eastern insurgent types - not sure of manufacturer, could be "Force 20" or Elhiem?

A downed pilot - 20mm miniature from Eliem.

20mm US passengers, crew, drivers from Elhiem Miniatures - painted in Multicam

More to follow.

All the best,

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...