Tuesday, 28 February 2017

AB Germans painted for my WW2 Collection

G'day all, thought I'd share some work that I've done for my own collection over the summer.

On the internet front... we have now changed to another provider and are waiting to see if they can get us online. I just hope they can do it in a timely manner as it is making things difficult for my son who has just started a distance education based university degree & needs access to lectures etc.

The figures are 20mm Germans from AB (Eureka Miniatures in Australia).

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

First Commission for 2017 Complete!

G'day all,

still no good news about the internet being turned on - I am posting this from my Dad's place in town.
We have taken our problem to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, they have contacted our provider, who basically have until the end of the month to give us an answer. I suspect the problem is on the wholesale side of things with the Telstra Networks not providing a connection to our place.....I really hope it gets resolved soon.

Thankfully a long time customer from the US sent me some figures to work on, which I have just finished & posted off.
I sure hope some more commission work turns up soon, as I now officially have no other source of income. Really could use that internet connection.

Once the internet gets switched on I'm hoping to have a free give-away thing to re-launch my blog.

Here's some pictures of the 20 &28mm moderns I just completed:

All the best,


Wednesday, 15 February 2017

On a Positive Note....

Still no good news with the internet saga   :-(

But on a positive note, here is a picture of my new painting corner:

Plenty of natural light, and a lovely setting.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Even Further Delays Expected....

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on my previous post, very kind of you all.

The news on our internet connection is that the date has been put even further forward. The "National Broadband Network" people have given a time in early to mid March now.
Ho Hum...

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...