Thursday, 22 August 2019

Lots of Dark Age Miniatures - Showcasing Colin Patten Sculpts

I'm a big fan of Colin Patten sculpts, to me, nothing says "Dark Ages" quite like a Patten sculpt. The miniatures featured below were purchased from Gripping Beast, Saxon Miniatures (now Warlord Games), & Conqueror Models. Thought I would share some of his work that I've painted for myself & others:

Mr Patten sculpted the riders for these Normans from Gripping Beast:

Here are some Dark Age style Dwarves that he sculpted for Conqueror Models:

A piece of good news about some of Colin's previous sculpts under the Vendel  Miniatures line... it seems they are being re-mastered by Thistle & Rose Miniature Figures - I believe this includes Border Reivers , Ancients & Middle Earth ranges. You can keep an eye on their progress here:

I hope you enjoy this showcase of some of Mr Patten's work :-)

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...