Sunday, 26 June 2011

Nostalgia- Airfix US Airborne & Sherman

As I'm not quite ready with my next group of British infantry I thought I would post some pics of some stuff I had painted previously. These are Airfix US Airborne and an Airfix Sherman both in 1/72 (or 1/76) which I painted for my son as part of his collection. I had this set myself as a lad, in fact I'm pretty sure I had all of the Airfix WW2 sets in 1/72, plus a heap of Matchbox figures- alas somewhere along the line I got rid of them as well as a bunch of tanks and planes- now I find myself buying this sort of stuff again. The US Airborne were one of Airfix's better sculpts, and even now are fun to paint with nice detail. I have painted up quite a few plastic figures over the years for my son and may show some more pictures of them at a later date. Enjoy.
My favourite figure in the set

Monday, 13 June 2011

More British with some platoon support weapons

Finally I have completed my next lot of Wessex Wyverns, this time with a 2" Mortar and a PIAT for support. I have continued to combine different manufacturers as the size differences don't bother me too much, you will notice there are figures from PSC, Revell & Italeri. The officer figure is a Revell body with a PSC spare head sporting the cloth officers hat- just for visual appeal, as I am aware that most officers wore a helmet in combat. The PIAT team is from Italeri with slight conversions. I quite like the Revell chaps with the leather jerkins, this gives a nice mix of styles and equipment. The stens on the Revell guys are a bit on the spindly side, the PSC stens look just right.
 I will be looking to pick up some more plastic British over the next few weeks, probably the Ceasar Miniatures set and the HaT support boxes of MGs & Mortars. I am also planning to put together a German force to oppose them.
Here are some photos of the latest miniatures off the painting table, (click on them to get larger images):
One of my favourite poses is the Revell chap carrying the PIAT ammo.
Heading out...
Revell 2" Mortar team
Italeri PIAT team
The PSC sarge.
Over the hills and far away...

Thanks for the support, and as always your comments and questions are welcome.

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...