Thursday, 19 December 2013

Wellington & Co at Waterloo

These are some figures I completed recently as a commission for Simon from

We couldn't find any suitable Wellington & British command figures in 1/72 plastic that would give us Wellington, Uxbridge, Picton & Gordon - like the Waterloo movie, so we opted for a metal set from Art Minaturen in Germany.
The figures are well proportioned, the horses are particularly nice, although I did find the detail on these metal figures to be not as crisp and clear as some of the better plastic sets.
We opted for a satin varnish for the final finish - hence the slightly shiny look in the photos. Personally I think the figures look better in the hand than the photos I have taken. I hope Simon enjoys them.

Group Shot, L to R: Picton, Wellington, Gordon & Uxbridge

Duke of Wellington




Monday, 2 December 2013

Assorted WW2 British...

Hello everyone,
I have churned out some more British from a variety of manufacturers in recent days. A number of these figures I will probably sell on, along with some other British from my collection. In the case of some minis, I will be waiting for Eureka to re-release the AB 20mm British before I sell off parts of my current collection. I may replace selected plastic figures, some of the Kelly's Heroes figures, TQD with the late style British helmet (not a fan of the look of the "turtle" helmet on some figures), and who knows what else...

Enjoy the pictures:

TQD British

TQD British

Kelly's Heroes MP, Senior Officer & Dispatch Rider

Kelly's Heroes British

Kelly's Heroes British

Battlefield/Blitz Commando carrying ammo

Battlefield/Blitz Commando carrying ammo

Battlefield/Blitz Commando carrying ammo

Group Shot

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Catching a Ride...

Four useful figures from Wartime Miniatures, can be put on the back of a tank, or softskin passengers, or just sitting around somewhere :)

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Wartime British Commandos

More Wartime Miniatures stuff, this time their two packs of late war British Commandos - one pack with rifles advancing, the other pack with Thompson sub-machineguns:

Monday, 18 November 2013

Wartime Miniatures British

I have been working my way through several packs of Wartime Miniatures Late War British, here's some pictures:

Leaders with Stens

Riflemen advancing


Radio Operators

Leaders with revolver & Sten

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...