Tuesday, 31 May 2016

20mm Civilians for Modern Freighter Scenarios

I enjoyed painting & basing these 20mm Civilians from Elhiem. The idea is that they will be used as civilians on a freighter ship, probably involving some sort of intervention by covert ops or special forces. The guy I painted them for already has an MDF freighter model under construction. I used some filler over the usual sand base, then painted them a "deck grey" with some chipping and rust stains - hopefully they will look the part.

All the best,


Saturday, 28 May 2016

Future Concept Russians in 20mm

Today some "near future" Russians in 20mm from Elhiem Miniatures - their website calls them "Future Concept Russians in advanced body armour".
They remind me of a cross between Dr Who Cybermen & Star Wars Stormtroopers :-)

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Soldiers of France.....

:-) Not Napoleonics...

A swag of 20mm Modern French that I finished painting & basing recently - I hope you like them, the figures are from Elhiem Miniatures.

All the best,


Saturday, 21 May 2016

18th Century Vignette

Here's something different :-)

I painted this little group for my wife as a gift for Mother's Day (celebrated on a different day to you Northern hemisphere folk). I may go back and apply some gloss varnish to the furniture at some stage. I'm not entirely sure who made the figures - they are 28mm metal - although they do look like something Eureka Miniatures may have produced. I picked these up as part of a trade with a fellow Tasmanian wargamer, I was parting with some 15mm figures. If you know who made them feel free to leave a comment & let us all know :-)

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

On the Warpath!

I recently finished painting more "Flint & Feather" 28mm Huron/Iroquois, sculpted by Canadian Bob Murch. Followers of the blog may remember my previous posts on these figures: HERE & HERE  - which included a review.
The Flint & Feather range also has a Kickstarter which you might like to check out too:


This is a good way to get the miniatures at  less than RRP.

I don't collect these miniatures personally, but I have really enjoyed painting them for my mate Barrie - they really are great sculpts. Anyway, enough of the sales pitch, here's some pictures of the latest batch I've done:

Friday, 13 May 2016

Hotchkiss HMG team - WW1 French

More characterful Scarab Miniatures 28mm WW1 French - gradually making my way through them :-)
This time it's a Hotchkiss HMG team - there will be more of these down the track.

I really enjoy painting the Horizon Blue, lots of fun to shade & highlight.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Some special miniatures that I just finished for my friend Barrie - VIKINGS!!!
These are 28mm metal miniatures from Stronghold Terrain . There are still 2 more shield maidens to be completed, and they are well underway. It seems that a number of the sculpts are based on the "Vikings" TV show, which I have never seen myself, apart from some stills online. Barrie said I had a freehand with 'em anyway, and didn't have to stick with costumes/appearance from the show.

I actually finished them last Saturday, and have sprayed them with Dullcoat & taken pictures today. I needed a wee break from a 20mm commission I'm doing, as those little fellas can give my brush hand a bit of cramp - need to mix up my activities.

I had a lot of fun painting these figures, helped by the good quality of the sculpts. It was a nice change to do some basing for Barrie too - note the ivy on the shipbuilder's base, I figured he looked creepy, so some creeper was appropriate :-)

All the best,


Monday, 9 May 2016

Early War Fallschirmjager...Third & Final Part

The last of the Wargames Foundry 28mm Fallschirmjagers, this time German Paratrooper Heavy Weapons - WW 2023:

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Early War Fallschirmjager...Part Two

More Wargames Foundry Fallschirmjagers, this time set WW2021 German Paratroop Command:

Mortar Team + Spotter

Command types & a Flamethrower

Radio Ops

Another lot of FJ still to be posted...

Just in case anyone was needing some commission work done.....looks like I am booked up for about the next three months. Most of these guys are repeat customers which is always a good sign :-)

All the Best,

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...