Thursday, 24 August 2023

Dark Age Irish Project

 Some 28mm Miniatures I painted for a customer's Dark Age Irish Saga Warband.

I believe most of them are from Gripping Beast, with some minor conversions.

The strange looking nail on the Brian Boru base is designed to take a tree with a hole drilled into it.

They look better in real life, I never seem to be able to get photos that I'm happy with. Perhaps that's

 just because the human eye perceives things very differently to a camera. 

The banners are from Little Big Men Studios, as are some of the shield designs.

Tufts are from Leadbear's Tufts, made in Australia.

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Those Bloody Miniatures!

 I'm not dead -yet!

I haven't posted on here for ages. Most of my work has appeared on the dreaded Facebook and the YouTubes, but not here. Things are quickly lost on FB, whether in groups or the postings of individuals. There was something to be said for the old forum formats where one could follow the progress of a posters project in a useful sort of way.....

In any case, I have been painting a great many things since I last posted here. Today I'm sharing some pictures of Bloody Miniatures - a splendid 28mm metal range suitable for the 17th century. These were painted by me, but not, for me. They were a pleasure to paint.


Thanks to all who stop by to look at the blog, (not the spammers), hope you enjoyed the pictures.
All the best,

Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...