Yes it's day one of the build, and I can see
Paul &
Nick have wasted no time in posting.
I also came across the same problem as Nick with the wheels not being designed to be modelled as retractable on my Airfix Typhoon 1B. So I've had to chop them about a bit so I could get them to tuck away.
My plan will be to have the plane mounted on an old telescopic antenna from a remote control box, so I will have to drill a hole in the fuselage undercarriage, stick the antenna in and tidy up with modelling putty.
I've also noticed that the cockpit is very basic, so I may have to paint some framework on the cockpit glass (not sure if I'm using the right terminology). At least the pilot was easy to paint.
Ready to Start!
It's a fairly simple kit without many parts, but does need a bit of tidying up- I guess it's pretty old by now.
This is the result so far from my first nights work. |
The Tyffie has had a basic undercoat of light grey, plus I painted the pilot, the nose & props. I forgot to take a picture of underneath, but it's basically the same as
one of the pictures on Nicks blog.
Here's a close up of Algy in his Typhoon. Go get those Jerries little man!
And so ends my first days efforts, don't forget to see what the other blokes are up to as well.