Saturday, 15 February 2014

Battlegroup Overlord at my place

G'day all.
I finally had a game of Battlegroup Overlord after a break of many months. Denis from Launceston way came over for a game at my place. Denis was a jolly decent sport even though he suffered from some very unfortunate dice rolls and chits drawn. We had a great time and a good chat about all sorts of hobby related matters.
We had a 350 point game with some fairly dense Normandy terrain. Denis took the German force and I took a British force with a veteran commando platoon as its core.

Here's some pictures of the table and the game:

The 3 standing cows were to be placed as objective markers

Denis opted for 2 Panthers and a Panzer IV along with infantry

The cow marks the centre objective marker, just being taken by British Recce section

PIAT team moved up quickly in a Bren Carrier and debussed into ambush mode

Recce section lurks in the sunken lane

Germans taking cover

The British force's only armour, didn't fire a shot.

Comms team and Troop HQ near an objective

PIAT team fires...

Boom! takes out 222

That 222 has blocked the Panther's way

Troop HQ prepares to rush to the hilltop in order to call down artillery

British pile onto the hilltop and surrounding hedges

The smoke represents where a German MG team used to be


  1. Oh my, but you set a fine table! Love the little touches - especially the pigs - and the use of the cows as objectives. Truly inspiring! Is he keen for another stouch?

    1. Thanks Nick. We enjoyed the game, and it's always fun to set up the toys. Yes, Denis is definitely keen for other games.

  2. Fantastic looking table and minis John. I can only echo what Nick has to say.

    Good to see you throwing dice again mate.

    1. Cheers Paul. Yes it's been a while. Denis was a great help with keeping things moving along as he was familiar with the rules.

  3. Beautiful table and figures John.
    Very inspiring!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Shane. Looking forward to more 20mm Battlegroup this year, and catching up with you blokes from Launceston way :-)

  4. Everything about this game says quality, superb terrain and lovely looking figs and AFVs. Great stuff.

  5. What can I say that hasn't been said? Superb piece of work there pal....More, please, more!

    1. Ta very much Simon. Not sure when the next one will be, but I would like to have some more games this year.

  6. Great looking game, I am really keen to get playing these rules as they seem so much more "historical" at least to me. Still I think my investment in 15mm was a wise decision as more and more cheap plastic kits are making it to market. Keep these reports up please

    cheers chris

    1. I like the rules too, although I can still get a bit muddled with some aspects. I hope you enjoy playing it in 15mm, quite a few people seem to be using their 15mm stuff for Battlegroup.


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