Sunday, 29 April 2018

Anglo Saxon Cavalry

There is some debate as to whether Anglo-Saxons operated as cavalry in battles, certainly the larger melees which have survived in manuscript accounts have little to say about mounted actions on the battlefield. My understanding is that we can be quite sure that they operated as mounted infantry at the very least, using horses to get to the battle or to get to a potential conflict "the fastest with the mostest". They were no strangers to riding to hunt or as a means of transport & the horse was a respected creature, appearing frequently in Anglo-Saxon burials/cremations of earlier centuries.

I decided that I would like the possibility of fielding some Anglo-Saxon cavalry, even if only a couple of units. I finished my first group of six a while back but hadn't shared the pictures on this blog. I have some more unpainted cavalry in the "to do" box.

The miniatures are from Blacktree Designs 28mm Anglo-Saxon range.

All the best,


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Michał :-)
      Hope all is well with you & your family.

  2. Inspired job, love the horses and the shields...

    1. Thanks Phil. Only 2 of the shields are freehand, the rest are decals.

  3. Nicely done, I'd say your say to say the used cavalry conventionally as Britain has had a long horse culture from Celtic times that i imagine which had absorbed in somewhere to the Dark Age Saxons

  4. Great job! The horses heads and the shields are awesome!!

  5. Fantastic stuff! The horses look incredible, some of the best I've seen :)

    1. Thanks Ivor. Horses are painted using artist tube acrylics with a filbert brush.

  6. Great work as always. Love the personality coming through in their faces.

  7. I find it hard to imagine that a society with the background of Anglo Saxon 'England' wouldn't have used mounted troops in some form. Scouting and skirmishing at least. And well worth an excuse to get the paints out!

    1. Indeed Alan, I like to have the option of fielding a bit of cavalry in an infantry based army :-)


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