Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Orcs, Wolves & Troll for Middle Earth

Orcs, Wolves & a Troll for Middle Earth. These are 28mm miniatures that I've painted for my slow grow Middle Earth collection. The Orcs are a combination of Oathmark metals & plastics, wolves are metal from North Star, the troll is Reaper Bones.
I have just finished some more Orcs & another group of Conqueror Models Dwarves, more on them later.


  1. simply stunning :)

  2. Some lovely work there. I particularly like the choice of skin tones on the orcs, and the realistic colours and patterns on the wolves. I had the pleasure of reading my daughter the Hobbit for the first time recently (she's five and loved it) and this is very much the picture I had in my head. The style of the Troll is a bit more GW than Tolkien, but only in my head and absolutely none the worse for it, plus it has the bonus of being beautifully painted.

    1. Thanks so much Alan. I loved reading Tolkien to our children when they were young too. The "trolls" I wanted to use were actually Reaper Ogres, but I've had trouble finding them in stock - very popular in the non-GW Middle Earth community.


Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...