Sunday 12 April 2020

Warlords, Warriors & Young 'Uns

Thought I had better share some more pictures of miniatures I've painted - pretty sure these are part of my own collection (I paint a lot of Dark Age miniatures, it can be hard to keep track).
Many fellow hobbyists have been posting on their blogs, uploading videos & contributing to Facebook groups & forums - keep up the great work folks.
Personally I don't find the isolation too much of a challenge as I'm an introvert who works from home & has high functioning autism - it's more the change that unsettles me. Fortunately I have still been able to paint fulltime and my recent projects are for Australian clients, so postage isn't such an issue. My wonderful wife works in education & is still employed. The school has switched over to online resourcing of students as well as keeping the school open for children of essential services workers.

I hope you enjoy the pictures, and please feel free to ask me questions in the comments & I will do my best to answer them.


  1. Stunning work as always, just so impressed with you use of colours and detail a standard i just cannot reach

  2. Always a pleasure to view your work, your colours always look spot on really inspirational.

  3. Wonderful as always. Tempted to paint up some DA fig's myself now.

  4. Top work as always, I sometimes wonder how many Dark Age figures you have?


Old Guard & a Note of Caution

 Hi Everyone! Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range. Plus...